Life in progress

What Keeps You From Feeling Your Age?


I stood at the kitchen counter yesterday, stirring Christopher’s medicine into his orange juice and I remembered learning to stir for the first time; I might have been three or four years old. It came back to me in a flash. My senses all conspired to bring me there: the sound of the spoon clinking around the inside the glass, the feel of the circular motion and the sight of my fingers manipulating the spoon in a way I no longer need to concentrate on.

Sometimes it’s the smell of freshly mowed grass, just as I recall it wafting in my bedroom window when my dad went out to mow the lawn before an early game of golf on a Sunday morning that takes me back. Or the taste of a shortbread cookie, dipped in a cup of tea.

Though many of my memories take me back to my childhood there is something inside me that refuses to believe I’m more than half my actual age. Despite my aches, the deterioration of my eyesight, and my inability to react as quickly as I used to, in my mind I can’t possibly be 50 years old.

They say that children keep us young as long as we can remember how to play.  For some it’s staying active, both in body and mind. I’m sure those memories that return as though they were only yesterday must have an influence on how we feel.

I hear people, all the time, say they don’t feel as old as the calendar tells them they must be.

What keeps you from feeling your age?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

50 thoughts on “What Keeps You From Feeling Your Age?

  1. Life gets in the way of things; just catching up on your blogs. I’m 63 and social media keeps me active and young. Plus my adult kids are into MTG and I play them regularly, holding my own. So I’d say children and something fulfilling to do in life.


  2. Reblogged this on The Musings of My Mind and commented:
    Thank you Linda for this post! My partner and I have nine dogs and you know playing with them all the time releases from feeling my age. I recently turned 48 and due to poor decisions and the disease of alcoholism and addiction, sometimes I feel much older. So the fact that all of my dogs can release me form having to be that age it is a BEAUTIFUL and FUN thing!!!


  3. I started writing a post yesterday, about my age, because people do go on about how I can’t possibly be a grandmother or is that really a photo of me, or whatever. I think you’ll find (when I finish) that there are parallels between your theories and my own.


  4. I can’t believe I am over 40, I don’t feel like. There are times when my body screams at me and tells me it’s true. My brain disagrees.


  5. I actually do feel my age, which is usually better than my alternative, which is to feel older than my age. I don’t ever recall feeling younger…


  6. What keeps me from feeling my age is the constant practice of seeking out new ventures while never letting go of the things that keep me smiling 🙂


  7. Some days I feel all of my 68 years and then some; however, I usually feel much younger because I choose to. I love telling my kids who are 48 and 49 years old that I am really only 46 and the fact that they are older than me is their problem to deal with. lol Basically –using humor and deciding I don’t want to be old yet!


  8. I do feel younger than my 50 years. I think it’s that I love life, that I feel grateful for each day, that I’m keenly aware of how precious life is and want to savor each day fully, with gratitude!


  9. I generally don’t think about it, except on occasions and Children do make me feel younger.


  10. The lack of enough hours in a day. Trying to keep up with to do lists and my work, the hours disappear so I’m always dashing to keep up with time and it doesn’t permit me to dwell on my age. Honestly, eating healthy and striving to keep fit do pay off with more energy. 🙂


  11. My kids. They make me feel *older* then I am. Most of the people my own age are just settling down now, having kids of their own… Some of the Early Birds started about 4 years ago. Me? I have a nine year old. Some of my best friends are ten years older then me only because their kids are the same age as mine.


  12. They reckon you’re only as old as the man you feel. Or at least that’s what my mother used to tell me. lol
    I chose someone younger than me. 😉 Even if it is only by a year.


  13. I play parkour tag and it makes me feel ten, not near forty.


  14. A combination of immaturity and denial usually works for me.


  15. Maybe this is why I write YA… it keeps me young :-). Oh, also my kids definitely keep me young… especially the 2 two year olds…


    • It’s great that you’re interested enough in things young adults are to write for them. 🙂
      I have mixed feelings about the “kids keep you young” thing. It’s true – until one of them turns 20. That kinda balances the whole thing out again. And please… don’t mention the grandkid thing. I’m not ready!! Haha!

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  16. I know I don’t feel almost 40 years old (will be next year). In my mind, I’m maybe half that, or at most 30. Many of my interests are still in “young” things. And I still like to watch cartoons/Disney movies. I don’t really think about my age until it gets close to my birthday. Or when I hear songs I “grew up” with start turning up on the classic rock station.


  17. I still feel like a kid inside even if my body feels older like with aches and such. I get so excited about new things… gitty even!


  18. Not thinking about my age keeps me from feeling my age.


  19. When I have a Top 40’s station on and my head starts bopping to the music, I feel at least 10 years younger.


  20. Laughter & rock and roll!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I think exercise, writing and being married to someone fifteen years younger does it for me. A margarita doesn’t hurt either.


  22. Today, I feel much older than my age…it’s been a long haul recently. But generally speaking, usually I’m too busy to realize that in just a few short years I will be 50! That looks so shocking to see it in print. I think just trying to keep up with life and our teen here and maintaining things just leaves very little time to whine or actually realize how old I am!


    • It’s probably a good thing that you don’t have much time to ponder. And if anyone had seen me forcing my fingers to type “50” the first time I’m sure they’d have laughed at me. It’s a tough one all right!


  23. Watching Spongebob Squarepants on Saturday mornings.


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